Sight for Wight is the Island’s independent charity dedicated to supporting Islanders affected by sight loss. Every year we need and value your fundraising support to enable us to continue delivering vital services and activities.
If you would like to make a donation please click on the ‘Donate Now’ box, you will be transferred to a secure page where you can enter the amount you wish to donate and confirm whether this is a one off or monthly donation.
Thank you!

Raise donations for Sight for Wight when you shop online.
Easyfundraising is the UK’s biggest charity fundraising shopping website. Every time you use an Easyfundraising partner for online shopping, that company will make a donation to the Sight for Wight – without you spending any more than you would normally!
Click on the ‘Shop Now’ box. to sign up and start raising money for us today!

Raise donations for Sight for Wight when you shop online.
AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.
Amazon donates 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) of eligible purchases to the charitable organisation of your choice.
Support Sight for Wight by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.co.uk, click on the ‘Shop Now’ box.

When is a £1 worth £1.25? When you Gift Aid it!
Gift Aid is a simple way to increase the value of your donation to Sight for Wight. If you are a UK taxpayer, as a registered charity, we can claim 25p from the government on every £1 donated at no extra cost to you. That means your £10 donation is worth £12.50 to us, and a £100 donation is worth £125!
We just need you to complete a Gift Aid declaration, which will cover your future donations and all the donations you have made for the past four years
Download the donation and Gift Aid form and send it to:
Sight for Wight, Millbrooke House, 137 Carisbrooke Rd, Newport PO30 1DD.
Please remember to let us know if you change your name or address.
For a full explanation of Gift Aid, visit the HMRC website.