Sight for Wight has provided a free talking newspaper service for more than 40 years. Sight for Wight volunteers read a selection of editorial articles and letters from the Isle of Wight County Press, News On The Wight and Island Observer on a weekly basis and also include Sight for Wight news, details of forthcoming events and any other information that we feel our listeners would want to know about. We also include the weekly podcast of the Radio 4 programme ‘In Touch’. The final item included is the local ‘Scaffolding News’, supplied by Island Roads, to alert VI Members of temporary pavement obstructions.
Listen to the latest edition of the Talking News. Please note that this edition was not recorded at the studio but we hope you enjoy what we’ve managed to put together via working from home.
The Sight for Wight Talking News is recorded on USB memory sticks, which are sent to VI Members by post as Articles for the Blind.
If VI Members do not already have equipment that will play a USB memory stick, Sight for Wight is usually able to loan a player. Please note that this only applies to VI Members living on the Isle of Wight.
If you would like to receive the Sight for Wight Talking News sent to you direct, please complete the online form below to be added to our distribution list.