This week (21st & 22nd January) we were at St Marys Primary School delivering Education Programme sessions to some of their classes.
We learnt about sight loss, how to keep your eyes healthy and played some sight loss related games such as learning about braille, our senses and equipment that can help someone with sight loss.
Thank you to St Marys Primary for providing the photos and inviting us to their school. We really enjoyed our time with the classes and hope they enjoyed learning with us.
Below are some photo’s of the morning session.

The class using simulator cards to see effects of sight loss

Education Officer with the class asking how they can keep their eyes healthy

Sight for Wight Volunteer with the class learning about our senses

The class wearing blindfolds to complete puzzles and challenges

Sight for Wight Volunteer with the class learning about braille

The class using their hands to read a braille book

Education Officer with the class learning about equipment that can help someone with sight loss

The class working out sounds across the Isle of Wight using a piece of equipment called a Penfriend

The class with their Education Programme certificates