The swimming group are swimming at the Waterside Pool in Ryde. The pool is closed to the public whilst the group swims. There are male and female volunteers to help you get in and out of the pool as well as Lifeguards to ensure your safety. To join the Swimming group, please call the Sight for Wight first to notify us of your swimming ability. You need to register with the office at Millbrooke House first to be able to swim with the group.
The weekly coffee morning will be held at Millbrooke House this week from 10.30am.
There will also be our Low Vision drop in between 10.00am and 12 noon. This is a weekly event to allow you to view and try the low vision equipment we have at Millbrooke House without the need for an appointment.
The book group will be meeting at Lord Louis Library on between 2.00pm and 3.00pm. We discuss the last month’s book over tea and coffee, and hand out the book for the next month. The books are available on CD or USB. Please contact Laura Jasper on 522205 for more information or email members@iwsb.org.uk
Laura will be at the monthly coffee morning at The Old Smithy Coffee Shop in Godshill between 10.30am and 11.45am. Our coffee mornings are run by staff and volunteers from Sight for Wight and are open to all.
Refreshments including delicious fresh cakes are available to purchase direct from the coffee shop.
The Thursday Social Group are meeting at Millbrooke House. The group meets from 10.30am till 2.00pm. You can knit or just have a chat, then later in the afternoon volunteers come in and read to the group from different topics.
RNIB invites you to: Come and Connect
We would like to hear your feedback and update you with what is going on in the community. So, we invite you to come and Connect with RNIB, other local support and most importantly, each other!
Different ways you can connect
• Meet and chat with other people from the RNIB Connect community
• Meet some of the RNIB South East Network team; learn about our job roles and what we do.
• Find out more about RNIB Connect; What is it? How can you become more ‘Connected’?
• Take part in a ‘Share Your Thoughts’ workshop; What’s already working well in the area? What activities, events or groups would you like to take part in? Are there any barriers to accessing events in the South East?
Dates and locations for our scheduled events on the Isle of Wight are:-
Newport – Friday 12 July 2019, 10am to 1pm,
Hunnyhill Room, The Riverside Centre, The Quay, Newport, PO30 2QR
Shanklin – Friday 2 August 2019, 10am to 1pm,
The Falcon Cross Hall, 6-8 Falcon Cross Rd, Shanklin, PO37 7LA
Schedule for the day:
10.00am – Free time to grab some refreshments and speak with local support and others affected by sight loss.
10.45am – Organised talks to update you on changes in RNIB, information about RNIB Connect and a chance to feedback.
12.15pm – More free time for refreshments, a chance to collect information, meet local representatives and speak with others affected by sight loss.
If you’d like to join us at an event, please RSVP by contacting our Community Facilitator Hazel Cross
Email: hazel.cross@rnib.org.uk
Phone: 07525 923093
Freshwater Listening Group meets on the last Tuesday of each month in Freshwater Library at 11am. The Group is for people with sight problems or other disabilities which make it difficult to read print. Each month we listen to an audio book supplied by Calibre Audio Library and meet to discuss the book. It is a friendly group with coffee and biscuits.
Next meeting 25th June, 11am. Copies of “The Crow Trap” by Ann Cleeves, from Calibre, are available on disc or memory stick in Freshwater library now