We would like to invite applications for the role of Trustee at Sight for Wight. We are particularly interested in applications from those who have financial, legal and charity governance experience.
History & Background
The Isle of Wight Society for the Blind adopted the working name Sight for Wight in 2017 and is one of the oldest independent charities on the Isle of Wight. In 1895 a local clergyman, John Cooper, brought together local parishes on the Isle of Wight forming the Society. We are a local independent charity, not linked to any national organizations, funded by public donations, legacies, grants and enterprise income. Since 2022 the charity has taken responsibility for the Wight Sense contract from the Local Authority which covers not only support for the visually impaired but also hearing impaired on the island. We are based at Millbrooke House in Carisbrooke, and we also run Millbrooke Enterprises which incorporates our Dress for Less Shop in Newport.
Charitable Purpose
The Charity’s objects, as stated in the Articles of Association, are the support of (i) blind and partially sighted persons and (ii) persons with other sensory loss, resident in the Isle of Wight in the following ways:
- the provision of facilities for education, recreation, training, and employment
- the promotion of the wellbeing of such persons including the financial assistance of those in need
- in promoting the awareness of the needs of such persons amongst the general public
Trustee Role
The role of Trustee is a non-executive one. While Trustees have overall responsibility for Sight for Wight’s leadership and strategic direction, day-to-day management of the Charity is delegated to the CEO. However, Trustees have the ultimate responsibility for running a charity properly and are accountable to its beneficiaries, to the Charity Commission and the public in general. There are currently 9 Trustees on the Board supported by our Chief Executive, Lisa Hollyhead.
Time Commitment
Around 6 – 8 meetings per year (Training, Committee and Board Meeting)
For more information and an informal chat call or email:
Sue Bungey, Chair (chairman@iwsb.org.uk 01983 740708)
Christina Conroy OBE, Treasurer (treasurer@iwsb.org.uk 07584991219)
You will be asked to submit a brief CV and letter of interest.
Applications close on 31st October 2022